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The independent final project involved creating a business plan with creative and collaborative final outcomes. This module involved implementing a number of different aspects being, including initial ideation research tools (Threads and Lotus Bloom) leading to a business idea.


Business Plan involving; The concept (Company values, purpose, mission, and vision statement), Consumers (The targeted consumer/tribes), Competitors (SWOT, USP’s, Market Sector, Marketing Map), Operations (Legal Obligations, Payment and terms, Company Structure, Staff and Costs, Production Process), Marketing (Marketing operations and cost) Marketing 12-month Strategy, Finical Background (12-Month Cash Flow and Breakeven Analysis) and Future Growth Strategy.   


Business Name: Inside-Out Skincare 

Tagline:  Mindful technology creates organic skincare.

Concept: Inside-out is a skincare brand founded to reshape we way consumers look at the existing skincare industry. The company will use smart organic textiles, able to realize vitamins into the skin as well as anti-inflammatory properties, linked with a mindful AI technology sensor to create smart clothing. This would enable the user to track and educate themselves, allowing them to make informed decisions surrounding their skin health, and improving it in an organic and natural way, without the need to incorporate numerous skincare products. The brand will also provide advice on how to deal with, enhance and preserve healthy skin by taking care of your wellbeing first.


Tribes: The Skinthusiasts, Diet Hackers, and Conscious Decelerators are three tribes aimed at Generation X

Collaboration for Fashion Designs: Georgia Holt  

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