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Title: Manufacturing process of textiles: How clothing affects skin health

My chosen subject for this module was skin health, which I chose because of my own personal experiences with diagnosed skin problems being acne, starting at the age of ten. Having received professional advice and having had to deal with problem skin since I was ten years old, this was an area in which I wanted to contribute my experience as well as learn about other unknown factors that can harm the skin.


Abstract Summarised: The textile manufacturing process involves extensive use of hazardous chemicals. These harmful substances are capable of transferring onto the skin once worn. Human exposure due to these harmful substances can lead to skin health problems such as contact dermatitis. Research suggests consumers have limited awareness surrounding chemicals used throughout the manufacturing process. It also suggests that not enough is being done to inform consumers of the negative effects these chemicals can cause. The research found that the majority of consumers that took part in the research would rather opt for an innovative material that actually improves skin health. This suggests an open market for brands to research and implements in to as well as consumers.

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